Vocabulary : Macrotous to Mactation
Macrotous : Large-eared.
Macroura : Alt. of Macroural
Macroural : Same as Macrura, Macrural, etc.
Macrozoospore : A large motile spore having four vibratile cilia; -- found in certain green algae.
Macrura : A subdivision of decapod Crustacea, having the abdomen largely developed. It includes the lobster, prawn, shrimp, and many similar forms. Cf. Decapoda.
Macrural : Same as Macrurous.
Macruran : One of the Macrura.
Macruroid : Like or pertaining to the Macrura.
Macrurous : Of or pertaining to the Macrura; having a long tail.
Mactation : The act of killing a victim for sacrifice.
: Mactra, Macula, Maculae, Maculate, Maculated, Maculation, Maculatory, Maculature, Macule, Maculose
: Macropteres, Macropterous, Macropus, Macropyramid, Macroscopic, Macroscopical, Macrosporangium, Macrospore, Macrosporic, Macrotone
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary