Vocabulary : Mailable to Maiming
Mailable : Admissible lawfully into the mail.
Mailclad : Protected by a coat of mail; clad in armor.
Mailed : of Mail ;; Protected by an external coat, or covering, of scales or plates. ;; Spotted; speckled.
Mailing : of Mail ;; A farm.
Mail-shell : A chiton.
Maim : To deprive of the use of a limb, so as to render a person on fighting less able either to defend himself or to annoy his adversary. ;; To mutilate; to cripple; to injure; to disable; to impair. ;; The privation of the use of a limb or member of the body, by which one is rendered less able to defend himself or to annoy his adversary. ;; The privation of any necessary part; a crippling; mutilation; injury; deprivation of something essential. See Mayhem.
Maimed : of Maim
Maimedly : In a maimed manner.
Maimedness : State of being maimed.
Maiming : of Maim
: Main, Main yard, Maine, Main-gauche, Main-hamper, Mainland, Mainly, Mainmast, Mainor, Mainpernable
: Maidservant, Maieutic, Maieutical, Maieutics, Maiger, Maigre, Maihem, Maikel, Maikong, Mail
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary