Vocabulary : Mainpernor to Mainstay

Mainpernor : A surety, under the old writ of mainprise, for a prisoner's appearance in court at a day.
Mainpin : A kingbolt.
Mainprise : A writ directed to the sheriff, commanding him to take sureties, called mainpernors, for the prisoner's appearance, and to let him go at large. This writ is now obsolete. ;; Deliverance of a prisoner on security for his appearance at a day. ;; To suffer to go at large, on his finding sureties, or mainpernors, for his appearance at a day; -- said of a prisoner.
Mainprised : of Mainprise
Mainprising : of Mainprise
Mains : The farm attached to a mansion house.
Mainsail : The principal sail in a ship or other vessel.
Mainsheet : One of the ropes by which the mainsail is hauled aft and trimmed.
Mainspring : The principal or most important spring in a piece of mechanism, especially the moving spring of a watch or clock or the spring in a gunlock which impels the hammer. Hence: The chief or most powerful motive; the efficient cause of action.
Mainstay : The stay extending from the foot of the foremast to the maintop. ;; Main support; principal dependence.
Next : Mainswear, Maintain, Maintainable, Maintained, Maintainer, Maintaining, Maintainor, Maintenance, Maintop, Maioid
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