Vocabulary : Malapropism to Malashaganay
Malapropism : A grotesque misuse of a word; a word so used.Malapropos : Unseasonable or unseasonably; unsuitable or unsuitably.
Malapterurus : A genus of African siluroid fishes, including the electric catfishes. See Electric cat, under Electric.
Malar : Of or pertaining to the region of the cheek bone, or to the malar bone; jugal. ;; The cheek bone, which forms a part of the lower edge of the orbit.
Malaria : Air infected with some noxious substance capable of engendering disease; esp., an unhealthy exhalation from certain soils, as marshy or wet lands, producing fevers; miasma. ;; A morbid condition produced by exhalations from decaying vegetable matter in contact with moisture, giving rise to fever and ague and many other symptoms characterized by their tendency to recur at definite and usually uniform intervals.