Vocabulary : Maltose to Malvaceous

Maltose : A crystalline sugar formed from starch by the action of distance of malt, and the amylolytic ferment of saliva and pancreatic juice. It resembles dextrose, but rotates the plane of polarized light further to the right and possesses a lower cupric oxide reducing power.
Maltreament : Ill treatment; ill usage; abuse.
Maltreat : To treat ill; to abuse; to treat roughly.
Maltreated : of Maltreat
Maltreating : of Maltreat
Maltster : A maltman.
Maltworm : A tippler.
Malty : Consisting, or like, malt.
Malum : An evil. See Mala.
Malvaceous : Pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of plants (Malvaceae), of which the mallow is the type. The cotton plant, hollyhock, and abutilon are of this order, and the baobab and the silk-cotton trees are now referred to it.
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