Vocabulary : Mamma to Mammals
Mamma : Mother; -- word of tenderness and familiarity. ;; A glandular organ for secreting milk, characteristic of all mammals, but usually rudimentary in the male; a mammary gland; a breast; under; bag.
Mammae : of Mamma
Mammal : One of the Mammalia.
Mammalia : The highest class of Vertebrata. The young are nourished for a time by milk, or an analogous fluid, secreted by the mammary glands of the mother.
Mammalian : Of or pertaining to the Mammalia or mammals.
Mammaliferous : Containing mammalian remains; -- said of certain strata.
Mammalogical : Of or pertaining to mammalogy.
Mammalogist : One versed in mammalogy.
Mammalogy : The science which relates to mammals or the Mammalia. See Mammalia.
Mammals : of Mammal
: Mammary, Mammee, Mammer, Mammet, Mammetry, Mammies, Mammifer, Mammiferous, Mammiform, Mammilae
: Malversation, Malvesie, Mam, Mama, Mamaluke, Mamelon, Mameluco, Mameluke, Mamgabey, Mamillated
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary