Vocabulary : Manubria to Manufacture
Manubria : of Manubrium
Manubrial : Of or pertaining to a manubrium; shaped like a manubrium; handlelike.
Manubrium : A handlelike process or part; esp., the anterior segment of the sternum, or presternum, and the handlelike process of the malleus. ;; The proboscis of a jellyfish; -- called also hypostoma. See Illust. of Hydromedusa.
Manubriums : of Manubrium
Manucode : Any bird of the genus Manucodia, of Australia and New Guinea. They are related to the bird of paradise.
Manuducent : One who leads by the hand; a manuductor.
Manuduction : Guidance by the hand.
Manufactory : Manufacture. ;; A building or place where anything is manufactured; a factory. ;; Pertaining to manufacturing.
Manufactural : Of or pertaining to manufactures.
Manufacture : The operation of making wares or any products by hand, by machinery, or by other agency. ;; Anything made from raw materials by the hand, by machinery, or by art, as cloths, iron utensils, shoes, machinery, saddlery, etc. ;; To make (wares or other products) by hand, by machinery, or by other agency; as, to manufacture cloth, nails, glass, etc. ;; To work, as raw or partly wrought materials, into suitable forms for use; as, to manufacture wool, cotton, silk, or iron. ;; To be employed in manufacturing something.
: Manufactured, Manufacturer, Manufacturing, Manul, Manumise, Manumission, Manumit, Manumitted, Manumitting, Manumotive
: Mantrap, Mantua, Mantuamaker, Mantuan, Manu, Manual, Manualist, Manually, Manuary, Manubial
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary