Vocabulary : Marai to Marauder

Marai : A sacred inclosure or temple; -- so called by the islanders of the Pacific Ocean.
Maranatha : "Our Lord cometh;" -- an expression used by St. Paul at the conclusion of his first Epistle to the Corinthians (xvi. 22). This word has been used in anathematizing persons for great crimes; as much as to say, "May the Lord come quickly to take vengeance of thy crimes." See Anathema maranatha, under Anathema.
Maranta : A genus of endogenous plants found in tropical America, and some species also in India. They have tuberous roots containing a large amount of starch, and from one species (Maranta arundinacea) arrowroot is obtained. Many kinds are cultivated for ornament.
Maraschino : A liqueur distilled from fermented cherry juice, and flavored with the pit of a variety of cherry which grows in Dalmatia.
Marasmus : A wasting of flesh without fever or apparent disease; a kind of consumption; atrophy; phthisis.
Marasritaceous : Pertaining to, or resembling, pearl; pearly.
Marathi : Alt. of Mahratta
Maraud : To rove in quest of plunder; to make an excursion for booty; to plunder. ;; An excursion for plundering.
Marauded : of Maraud
Marauder : A rover in quest of booty or plunder; a plunderer; one who pillages.
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