Vocabulary : Marbly to Marceline

Marbly : Containing, or resembling, marble.
Marbrinus : A cloth woven so as to imitate the appearance of marble; -- much used in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Marc : The refuse matter which remains after the pressure of fruit, particularly of grapes. ;; A weight of various commodities, esp. of gold and silver, used in different European countries. In France and Holland it was equal to eight ounces. ;; A coin formerly current in England and Scotland, equal to thirteen shillings and four pence. ;; A German coin and money of account. See Mark.
Marcantant : A merchant.
Marcasite : A sulphide of iron resembling pyrite or common iron pyrites in composition, but differing in form; white iron pyrites.
Marcasitic : Alt. of Marcasitical
Marcasitical : Containing, or having the nature of, marcasite.
Marcassin : A young wild boar.
Marcato : In a marked emphatic manner; -- used adverbially as a direction.
Marceline : A thin silk fabric used for linings, etc., in ladies' dresses.
Next : Marcescent, Marcescible, March, Marched, Marcher, Marchet, Marching, Marchioness, March-mad, Marchman
Previous : Marauding, Maravedi, Marble, Marbled, Marble-edged, Marbleize, Marbleized, Marbleizing, Marbler, Marbling
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