Vocabulary : Marginal to Margosa
Marginal : Of or pertaining to a margin. ;; Written or printed in the margin; as, a marginal note or gloss.
Marginalia : Marginal notes.
Marginally : In the margin of a book.
Marginate : Having a margin distinct in appearance or structure. ;; To furnish with a distinct margin; to margin.
Marginated : Same as Marginate, a.
Margined : of Margin ;; Having a margin. ;; Bordered with a distinct line of color.
Marginella : A genus of small, polished, marine univalve shells, native of all warm seas.
Marginging : of Margin
Marginicidal : Dehiscent by the separation of united carpels; -- said of fruits.
Margosa : A large tree of genus Melia (M. Azadirachta) found in India. Its bark is bitter, and used as a tonic. A valuable oil is expressed from its seeds, and a tenacious gum exudes from its trunk. The M. Azedarach is a much more showy tree, and is cultivated in the Southern United States, where it is known as Pride of India, Pride of China, or bead tree. Various parts of the tree are considered anthelmintic.
: Margravate, Margrave, Margraviate, Margravine, Marguerite, Marian, Marie, Mariet, Marigenous, Marigold
: Margaritiferous, Margarodite, Margarone, Margarous, Margaryize, Margate fish, Margay, Marge, Margent, Margin
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary