Vocabulary : Marsupiate to Martello tower

Marsupiate : Related to or resembling the marsupials; furnished with a pouch for the young, as the marsupials, and also some fishes and Crustacea.
Marsupion : Same as Marsupium.
Marsupite : A fossil crinoid of the genus Marsupites, resembling a purse in form.
Marsupium : The pouch, formed by a fold of the skin of the abdomen, in which marsupials carry their young; also, a pouch for similar use in other animals, as certain Crustacea. ;; The pecten in the eye of birds and reptiles. See Pecten.
Mart : A market. ;; A bargain. ;; To buy or sell in, or as in, a mart. ;; To traffic. ;; The god Mars. ;; Battle; contest.
Martagon : A lily (Lilium Martagon) with purplish red flowers, found in Europe and Asia.
Martel : To make a blow with, or as with, a hammer.
Martel de fer : A weapon resembling a hammer, often having one side of the head pointed; -- used by horsemen in the Middle Ages to break armor.
Marteline : A small hammer used by marble workers and sculptors.
Martello tower : A building of masonry, generally circular, usually erected on the seacoast, with a gun on the summit mounted on a traversing platform, so as to be fired in any direction.
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