Vocabulary : Martlemas to Martyrologe

Martlemas : See Martinmas.
Martlet : The European house martin. ;; A bird without beak or feet; -- generally assumed to represent a martin. As a mark of cadency it denotes the fourth son.
Martyr : One who, by his death, bears witness to the truth of the gospel; one who is put to death for his religion; as, Stephen was the first Christian martyr. ;; Hence, one who sacrifices his life, his station, or what is of great value to him, for the sake of principle, or to sustain a cause. ;; To put to death for adhering to some belief, esp. Christianity; to sacrifice on account of faith or profession. ;; To persecute; to torment; to torture.
Martyrdom : The condition of a martyr; the death of a martyr; the suffering of death on account of adherence to the Christian faith, or to any cause. ;; Affliction; torment; torture.
Martyred : of Martyr
Martyring : of Martyr
Martyrization : Act of martyrizing, or state of being martyrized; torture.
Martyrize : To make a martyr of.
Martyrly : In the manner of a martyr.
Martyrologe : A martyrology.
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