Vocabulary : Masse shot to Massiness
Masse shot : A stroke made with the cue held vertically.
Massed : of Mass
Masser : A priest who celebrates Mass.
Masseter : The large muscle which raises the under jaw, and assists in mastication.
Masseteric : Of or pertaining to the masseter.
Masseterine : Masseteric.
Masseur : Alt. of Masseuse ;; A man who practices massage. ;; An instrument used in the performance of massage.
Masseuse : One who performs massage. ;; A woman who practices massage.
Massicot : Lead protoxide, PbO, obtained as a yellow amorphous powder, the fused and crystalline form of which is called litharge; lead ocher. It is used as a pigment.
Massiness : The state or quality of being massy; ponderousness.
: Massing, Massive, Massively, Massiveness, Massoola boat, Massora, Massoret, Massy, Mast, Mastaba
: Masquerading, Mass, Massacre, Massacred, Massacrer, Massacring, Massage, Massagist, Massasauga, Masse
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary