Vocabulary : Masteries to Masterwort

Masteries : of Mastery
Mastering : of Master
Masterless : Destitute of a master or owner; ungoverned or ungovernable.
Masterliness : The quality or state of being masterly; ability to control wisely or skillfully.
Masterly : Suitable to, or characteristic of, a master; indicating thorough knowledge or superior skill and power; showing a master's hand; as, a masterly design; a masterly performance; a masterly policy. ;; Imperious; domineering; arbitrary. ;; With the skill of a master.
Masterous : Masterly.
Masterpiece : Anything done or made with extraordinary skill; a capital performance; a chef-d'oeuvre; a supreme achievement.
Mastership : The state or office of a master. ;; Mastery; dominion; superior skill; superiority. ;; Chief work; masterpiece. ;; An ironical title of respect.
Mastersinger : One of a class of poets which flourished in Nuremberg and some other cities of Germany in the 15th and 16th centuries. They bound themselves to observe certain arbitrary laws of rhythm.
Masterwort : A tall and coarse European umbelliferous plant (Peucedanum Ostruthium, formerly Imperatoria). ;; The Astrantia major, a European umbelliferous plant with a showy colored involucre. ;; Improperly, the cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum).
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