Vocabulary : Masticating to Mastigopod
Masticating : of Masticate
Mastication : The act or operation of masticating; chewing, as of food.
Masticator : One who masticates. ;; A machine for cutting meat into fine pieces for toothless people; also, a machine for cutting leather, India rubber, or similar tough substances, into fine pieces, in some processes of manufacture.
Masticatory : Chewing; adapted to perform the office o/ chewing food. ;; A substance to be chewed to increase the saliva.
Mastich : See Mastic.
Masticin : A white, amorphous, tenacious substance resembling caoutchouc, and obtained as an insoluble residue of mastic.
Masticot : Massicot.
Mastiff : A breed of large dogs noted for strength and courage. There are various strains, differing in form and color, and characteristic of different countries.
Mastiffs : of Mastiff
Mastigopod : One of the Mastigopoda.
: Mastigopoda, Mastigure, Masting, Mastitis, Mastives, Mastless, Mastlin, Mastodon, Mastodonsaurus, Mastodontic
: Mastery, Mastful, Masthead, Masthouse, Mastic, Masticable, Masticador, Masticate, Masticated, Masticater
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary