Vocabulary : Mayfish to Mayoress

Mayfish : A common American minnow (Fundulus majalis). See Minnow.
Mayflower : In England, the hawthorn; in New England, the trailing arbutus (see Arbutus); also, the blossom of these plants.
Mayhap : Perhaps; peradventure.
Mayhem : The maiming of a person by depriving him of the use of any of his members which are necessary for defense or protection. See Maim.
Maying : The celebrating of May Day.
Mayonnaise : A sauce compounded of raw yolks of eggs beaten up with olive oil to the consistency of a sirup, and seasoned with vinegar, pepper, salt, etc.; -- used in dressing salads, fish, etc. Also, a dish dressed with this sauce.
Mayor : The chief magistrate of a city or borough; the chief officer of a municipal corporation. In some American cities there is a city court of which the major is chief judge.
Mayoral : The conductir of a mule team; also, a head shepherd.
Mayoralty : The office, or the term of office, of a mayor.
Mayoress : The wife of a mayor.
Next : Mayorship, Maypole, Maypop, Mayweed, Mazama, Mazame, Mazard, Mazarine, Mazdean, Mazdeism
Previous : May laws, Maya, Maya arch, Mayan, Mayan arch, Maybe, Maybird, Maybloom, Maybush, Mayduke
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