Vocabulary : Meazel to Mechanicalness

Meazel : See 1st Measle.
Meazling : Falling in small drops; mistling; mizzing.
Mebles : See Moebles.
Mecate : A rope of hair or of maguey fiber, for tying horses, etc.
Meccawee : Of or pertaining to Mecca, in Arabia. ;; A native or inhabitant of Mecca.
Mechanic : The art of the application of the laws of motion or force to construction. ;; A mechanician; an artisan; an artificer; one who practices any mechanic art; one skilled or employed in shaping and uniting materials, as wood, metal, etc., into any kind of structure, machine, or other object, requiring the use of tools, or instruments. ;; Having to do with the application of the laws of motion in the art of constructing or making things; of or pertaining to mechanics; mechanical; as, the mechanic arts. ;; Of or pertaining to a mechanic or artificer, or to the class of artisans; hence, rude; common; vulgar. ;; Base.
Mechanical : Pertaining to, governed by, or in accordance with, mechanics, or the laws of motion; pertaining to the quantitative relations of force and matter, as distinguished from mental, vital, chemical, etc.; as, mechanical principles; a mechanical theory; mechanical deposits. ;; Of or pertaining to a machine or to machinery or tools; made or formed by a machine or with tools; as, mechanical precision; mechanical products. ;; Done as if by a machine; uninfluenced by will or emotion; proceeding automatically, or by habit, without special intention or reflection; as, mechanical singing; mechanical verses; mechanical service. ;; Made and operated by interaction of forces without a directing intelligence; as, a mechanical universe. ;; Obtained by trial, by measurements, etc.; approximate; empirical. See the 2d Note under Geometric. ;; A mechanic.
Mechanicalize : To cause to become mechanical.
Mechanically : In a mechanical manner.
Mechanicalness : The state or quality of being mechanical.
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