Vocabulary : Mediatorship to Medicamental
Mediatorship : The office or character of a mediator.
Mediatory : Mediatorial.
Mediatress : Alt. of Mediatrix
Mediatrix : A female mediator.
Medic : A leguminous plant of the genus Medicago. The black medic is the Medicago lupulina; the purple medic, or lucern, is M. sativa. ;; Medical.
Medicable : Capable of being medicated; admitting of being cured or healed.
Medical : Of, pertaining to, or having to do with, the art of healing disease, or the science of medicine; as, the medical profession; medical services; a medical dictionary; medical jurisprudence. ;; Containing medicine; used in medicine; medicinal; as, the medical properties of a plant.
Medically : In a medical manner; with reference to healing, or to the principles of the healing art.
Medicament : Anything used for healing diseases or wounds; a medicine; a healing application.
Medicamental : Of or pertaining to medicaments or healing applications; having the qualities of medicaments.
: Medicaster, Medicate, Medicated, Medicating, Medication, Medicative, Medicean, Medicinable, Medicinal, Medicinally
: Mediateness, Mediating, Mediation, Mediative, Mediatization, Mediatize, Mediatized, Mediatizing, Mediator, Mediatorial
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary