Vocabulary : Megaderm to Megalocephaly
Megaderm : Any one of several species of Old World blood-sucking bats of the genus Megaderma.
Megadyne : One of the larger measures of force, amounting to one million dynes.
Megafarad : One of the larger measures of electrical capacity, amounting to one million farads; a macrofarad.
Megalerg : A million ergs; a megerg.
Megalesian : Pertaining to, or in honor of, Cybele; as, the Megalesian games at Rome.
Megalethoscope : An optical apparatus in which pictures are viewed through a large lens with stereoptical effects. It is often combined with the stereoscope.
Megalith : A large stone; especially, a large stone used in ancient building.
Megalo- : Combining forms signifying: (a) Great, extended, powerful; as, megascope, megacosm. ;; A million times, a million of; as, megameter, a million meters; megafarad, a million farads; megohm, a million ohms. ;; See Meg-.
Megalocephalia : Alt. of Megalocephaly
Megalocephaly : The condition of having an abnormally large head.
: Megalocyte, Megalomania, Megalonyx, Megalophonous, Megalopolis, Megalops, Megalopsychy, Megalosaur, Megalosaurus, Megameter
: Meetly, Meetness, Meg-, Mega, Megacephalic, Megacephalous, Megaceros, Megachile, Megacosm, Megacoulomb
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary