Vocabulary : Megametre to Megascopic

Megametre : In the metric system, one million meters, or one thousand kilometers.
Megampere : A million amperes.
Megaphone : A device to magnify sound, or direct it in a given direction in a greater volume, as a very large funnel used as an ear trumpet or as a speaking trumpet.
Megaphyton : An extinct genus of tree ferns with large, two-ranked leaves, or fronds.
Megapode : Any one of several species of large-footed, gallinaceous birds of the genera Megapodius and Leipoa, inhabiting Australia and other Pacific islands. See Jungle fowl (b) under Jungle, and Leipoa.
Megapolis : A metropolis.
Megarian : Alt. of Megaric
Megaric : Belonging, or pertaining, to Megara, a city of ancient Greece.
Megascope : A modification of the magic lantern, used esp. for throwing a magnified image of an opaque object on a screen, solar or artificial light being used.
Megascopic : Alt. of Megascopical
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