Vocabulary : Melancholia to Melanconiaceae
Melancholia : A kind of mental unsoundness characterized by extreme depression of spirits, ill-grounded fears, delusions, and brooding over one particular subject or train of ideas.
Melancholian : A person affected with melancholy; a melancholic.
Melancholic : Given to melancholy; depressed; melancholy; dejected; unhappy. ;; One affected with a gloomy state of mind. ;; A gloomy state of mind; melancholy.
Melancholily : In a melancholy manner.
Melancholiness : The state or quality of being melancholy.
Melancholious : Melancholy.
Melancholist : One affected with melancholy or dejection.
Melancholize : To become gloomy or dejected in mind. ;; To make melancholy.
Melancholy : Depression of spirits; a gloomy state continuing a considerable time; deep dejection; gloominess. ;; Great and continued depression of spirits, amounting to mental unsoundness; melancholia. ;; Pensive maditation; serious thoughtfulness. ;; Ill nature. ;; Depressed in spirits; dejected; gloomy dismal. ;; Producing great evil and grief; causing dejection; calamitous; afflictive; as, a melancholy event. ;; Somewhat deranged in mind; having the jugment impaired. ;; Favorable to meditation; somber.
Melanconiaceae : A family of fungi constituting the order Melanconiales.
: Melanconiales, Melanesian, Melange, Melanian, Melanic, Melaniline, Melanin, Melanism, Melanistic, Melanite
: Melaena, Melain, Melainotype, Melam, Melamine, Melampode, Melampyrin, Melampyrite, Melanaemia, Melanagogue
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary