Vocabulary : Melodizing to Melon

Melodizing : of Melodize
Melodrama : Formerly, a kind of drama having a musical accompaniment to intensify the effect of certain scenes. Now, a drama abounding in romantic sentiment and agonizing situations, with a musical accompaniment only in parts which are especially thrilling or pathetic. In opera, a passage in which the orchestra plays a somewhat descriptive accompaniment, while the actor speaks; as, the melodrama in the gravedigging scene of Beethoven's "Fidelio".
Melodramatic : Of or pertaining to melodrama; like or suitable to a melodrama; unnatural in situation or action.
Melodramatist : One who acts in, or writes, melodramas.
Melodrame : Melodrama.
Melody : A sweet or agreeable succession of sounds. ;; A rhythmical succession of single tones, ranging for the most part within a given key, and so related together as to form a musical whole, having the unity of what is technically called a musical thought, at once pleasing to the ear and characteristic in expression. ;; The air or tune of a musical piece.
Meloe : A genus of beetles without wings, but having short oval elytra; the oil beetles. These beetles are sometimes used instead of cantharides for raising blisters. See Oil beetle, under Oil.
Melograph : Same as Melodiograph.
Melolonthidian : A beetle of the genus Melolontha, and allied genera. See May beetle, under May.
Melon : The juicy fruit of certain cucurbitaceous plants, as the muskmelon, watermelon, and citron melon; also, the plant that produces the fruit. ;; A large, ornamental, marine, univalve shell of the genus Melo.
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