Vocabulary : Meow to Mercaptal
Meow : See 6th and 7th Mew.
Mephistophelian : Pertaining to, or resembling, the devil Mephistopheles, "a crafty, scoffing, relentless fiend;" devilish; crafty.
Mephitic : Alt. of Mephitical
Mephitical : Tending to destroy life; poisonous; noxious; as, mephitic exhalations; mephitic regions. ;; Offensive to the smell; as, mephitic odors.
Mephitis : Noxious, pestilential, or foul exhalations from decomposing substances, filth, or other source. ;; A genus of mammals, including the skunks.
Mephitism : Same as Mephitis, 1.
Meracious : Being without mixture or adulteration; hence, strong; racy.
Mercable : Capable of being bought or sold.
Mercantile : Of or pertaining to merchants, or the business of merchants; having to do with trade, or the buying and selling of commodities; commercial.
Mercaptal : Any one of a series of compounds of mercaptans with aldehydes.
: Mercaptan, Mercaptide, Mercat, Mercatante, Mercator's chart, Mercature, Merce, Mercenaria, Mercenarian, Mercenaries
: Mention, Mentionable, Mentioned, Mentioning, Mentomeckelian, Mentor, Mentorial, Mentum, Menu, Menuse
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary