Vocabulary : Merchandised to Merchantry
Merchandised : of Merchandise
Merchandiser : A trader.
Merchandising : of Merchandise
Merchandry : Trade; commerce.
Merchant : One who traffics on a large scale, especially with foreign countries; a trafficker; a trader. ;; A trading vessel; a merchantman. ;; One who keeps a store or shop for the sale of goods; a shopkeeper. ;; Of, pertaining to, or employed in, trade or merchandise; as, the merchant service. ;; To be a merchant; to trade.
Merchantable : Fit for market; such as is usually sold in market, or such as will bring the ordinary price; as, merchantable wheat; sometimes, a technical designation for a particular kind or class.
Merchantly : Merchantlike; suitable to the character or business of a merchant.
Merchantman : A merchant. ;; A trading vessel; a ship employed in the transportation of goods, as, distinguished from a man-of-war.
Merchantmen : of Merchantman
Merchantry : The body of merchants taken collectively; as, the merchantry of a country. ;; The business of a merchant; merchandise.
: Merchet, Merciable, Mercies, Merciful, Mercify, Merciless, Mercurammonium, Mercurial, Mercurialism, Mercurialist
: Mercenarily, Mercenariness, Mercenary, Mercer, Mercerize, Mercership, Mercery, Merchand, Merchandisable, Merchandise
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary