Vocabulary : Meridionality to Meritable

Meridionality : The state of being in the meridian. ;; Position in the south; aspect toward the south.
Meridionally : In the direction of the meridian.
Merils : A boy's play, called also fivepenny morris. See Morris.
Meringue : A delicate pastry made of powdered sugar and the whites of eggs whipped up, -- with jam or cream added.
Merino : Of or pertaining to a variety of sheep with very fine wool, originally bred in Spain. ;; Made of the wool of the merino sheep. ;; A breed of sheep originally from Spain, noted for the fineness of its wool. ;; A fine fabric of merino wool.
Merinos : of Merino
Merismatic : Dividing into cells or segments; characterized by separation into two or more parts or sections by the formation of internal partitions; as, merismatic growth, where one cell divides into many.
Meristem : A tissue of growing cells, or cells capable of further division.
Merit : The quality or state of deserving well or ill; desert. ;; Esp. in a good sense: The quality or state of deserving well; worth; excellence. ;; Reward deserved; any mark or token of excellence or approbation; as, his teacher gave him ten merits. ;; To earn by service or performance; to have a right to claim as reward; to deserve; sometimes, to deserve in a bad sense; as, to merit punishment. ;; To reward. ;; To acquire desert; to gain value; to receive benefit; to profit.
Meritable : Deserving of reward.
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