Vocabulary : Mesne to Mesocarp
Mesne : Middle; intervening; as, a mesne lord, that is, a lord who holds land of a superior, but grants a part of it to another person, in which case he is a tenant to the superior, but lord or superior to the second grantee, and hence is called the mesne lord.
Meso- : Alt. of Mes-
Mesoarium : The fold of peritoneum which suspends the ovary from the dorsal wall of the body cavity.
Mesoblast : The mesoderm. ;; The cell nucleus; mesoplast.
Mesoblastic : Relating to the mesoblast; as, the mesoblastic layer.
Mesobranchial : Of or pertaining to a region of the carapace of a crab covering the middle branchial region.
Mesobronchia : of Mesobronchium
Mesobronchium : The main bronchus of each lung.
Mesocaecum : The fold of peritoneum attached to the caecum.
Mesocarp : The middle layer of a pericarp which consists of three distinct or dissimilar layers.
: Mesocephalic, Mesocephalon, Mesocephalous, Mesocoele, Mesocoelia, Mesocolon, Mesocoracoid, Mesocuneiform, Mesocuniform, Mesoderm
: Mesmeree, Mesmeric, Mesmerical, Mesmerism, Mesmerist, Mesmerization, Mesmerize, Mesmerized, Mesmerizer, Mesmerizing
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary