Vocabulary : Mess to Messiad
Mess : Mass; church service. ;; A quantity of food set on a table at one time; provision of food for a person or party for one meal; as, a mess of pottage; also, the food given to a beast at one time. ;; A number of persons who eat together, and for whom food is prepared in common; especially, persons in the military or naval service who eat at the same table; as, the wardroom mess. ;; A set of four; -- from the old practice of dividing companies into sets of four at dinner. ;; The milk given by a cow at one milking. ;; A disagreeable mixture or confusion of things; hence, a situation resulting from blundering or from misunderstanding; as, he made a mess of it. ;; To take meals with a mess; to belong to a mess; to eat (with others); as, I mess with the wardroom officers. ;; To supply with a mess. ;; To make a mess of; to disorder or muddle; to muss; to jumble; to disturb.Mess beef : Barreled salt beef, packed with about 80 pounds chuck and rump, two flanks, and the rest plates.
Message : Any notice, word, or communication, written or verbal, sent from one person to another. ;; Hence, specifically, an official communication, not made in person, but delivered by a messenger; as, the President's message. ;; To bear as a message. ;; A messenger.
Message stick : A stick, carved with lines and dots, used, esp. by Australian aborigines, to convey information.
Messager : A messenger.