Vocabulary : Metallochrome to Metallorganic
Metallochrome : A coloring produced by the deposition of some metallic compound; specifically, the prismatic tints produced by depositing a film of peroxide of lead on polished steel by electricity.
Metallochromy : The art or process of coloring metals.
Metallograph : A print made by metallography.
Metallographic : Pertaining to, or by means of, metallography.
Metallographist : One who writes on the subject of metals.
Metallography : The science or art of metals and metal working; also, a treatise on metals. ;; A method of transferring impressions of the grain of wood to metallic surfaces by chemical action. ;; A substitute for lithography, in which metallic plates are used instead of stone.
Metalloid : Formerly, the metallic base of a fixed alkali, or alkaline earth; -- applied by Sir H. Davy to sodium, potassium, and some other metallic substances whose metallic character was supposed to be not well defined. ;; Now, one of several elementary substances which in the free state are unlike metals, and whose compounds possess or produce acid, rather than basic, properties; a nonmetal; as, boron, carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, chlorine, bromine, etc., are metalloids. ;; Having the appearance of a metal. ;; Having the properties of a nonmetal; nonmetallic; acid; negative.
Metalloidal : Metalloid.
Metallophone : An instrument like a pianoforte, but having metal bars instead of strings. ;; An instrument like the xylophone, but having metallic instead of wooden bars.
Metallorganic : Metalorganic.
: Metallotherapy, Metallurgic, Metallurgical, Metallurgist, Metallurgy, Metalman, Metalmen, Metalogical, Metalorganic, Metamer
: Metallifacture, Metalliferous, Metalliform, Metalline, Metalling, Metallist, Metallization, Metallize, Metallized, Metallizing
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary