Vocabulary : Metamere to Metamorphosed
Metamere : One of successive or homodynamous parts in animals and plants; one of a series of similar parts that follow one another in a vertebrate or articulate animal, as in an earthworm; a segment; a somite. See Illust. of Loeven's larva.Metameric : Having the same elements united in the same proportion by weight, and with the same molecular weight, but possessing a different structure and different properties; as, methyl ether and ethyl alcohol are metameric compounds. See Isomeric. ;; Of or pertaining to a metamere or its formation; as, metameric segmentation.
Metamerically : In a metameric manner.
Metamerism : The symmetry of a metameric structure; serial symmetry; the state of being made up of metameres. ;; The state or quality of being metameric; also, the relation or condition of metameric compounds.
Metamorphic : Subject to change; changeable; variable. ;; Causing a change of structure. ;; Pertaining to, produced by, or exhibiting, certain changes which minerals or rocks may have undergone since their original deposition; -- especially applied to the recrystallization which sedimentary rocks have undergone through the influence of heat and pressure, after which they are called metamorphic rocks.