Vocabulary : Metaphysics to Metapodium

Metaphysics : The science of real as distinguished from phenomenal being; ontology; also, the science of being, with reference to its abstract and universal conditions, as distinguished from the science of determined or concrete being; the science of the conceptions and relations which are necessarily implied as true of every kind of being; phylosophy in general; first principles, or the science of first principles. ;; Hence: The scientific knowledge of mental phenomena; mental philosophy; psychology.
Metaphysis : Change of form; transformation.
Metaplasm : A change in the letters or syllables of a word.
Metaplast : A word having more than one form of the root.
Metapode : The posterior division of the foot in the Gastropoda and Pteropoda.
Metapodia : of Metapodium
Metapodial : Of or pertaining to the metapodialia, or to the parts of the limbs to which they belong.
Metapodiale : One of the bones of either the metacarpus or metatarsus.
Metapodialia : of Metapodiale
Metapodium : Same as Metapode.
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