Vocabulary : Metastasis to Metatarsus

Metastasis : A spiritual change, as during baptism. ;; A change in the location of a disease, as from one part to another. ;; The act or process by which matter is taken up by cells or tissues and is transformed into other matter; in plants, the act or process by which are produced all of those chemical changes in the constituents of the plant which are not accompanied by a production of organic matter; metabolism.
Metastatic : Of, pertaining to, or caused by, metastasis; as, a metastatic abscess; the metastatic processes of growth.
Metasternal : Of or pertaining to the metasternum.
Metasternum : The most posterior element of the sternum; the ensiform process; xiphisternum. ;; The ventral plate of the third or last segment of the thorax of insects.
Metastoma : Alt. of Metastome
Metastome : A median elevation behind the mouth in the arthropods.
Metatarsal : Of or pertaining to the metatarsus. ;; A metatarsal bone.
Metatarse : Metatarsus.
Metatarsi : of Metatarsus
Metatarsus : That part of the skeleton of the hind or lower limb between the tarsus and phalanges; metatarse. It consists, in the human foot, of five bones. See Illustration in Appendix.
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