Vocabulary : Metronymic to Metrosideros

Metronymic : Derived from the name of one's mother, or other female ancestor; as, a metronymic name or appellation. -- A metronymic appellation.
Metropole : A metropolis.
Metropolis : The mother city; the chief city of a kingdom, state, or country. ;; The seat, or see, of the metropolitan, or highest church dignitary.
Metropolitan : Of or pertaining to the capital or principal city of a country; as, metropolitan luxury. ;; Of, pertaining to, or designating, a metropolitan or the presiding bishop of a country or province, his office, or his dignity; as, metropolitan authority. ;; The superior or presiding bishop of a country or province. ;; An archbishop. ;; A bishop whose see is civil metropolis. His rank is intermediate between that of an archbishop and a patriarch.
Metropolitanate : The see of a metropolitan bishop.
Metropolite : A metropolitan.
Metropolitical : Of or pertaining to a metropolis; being a metropolis; metropolitan; as, the metropolitical chair.
Metrorrhagia : Profuse bleeding from the womb, esp. such as does not occur at the menstrual period.
Metroscope : A modification of the stethoscope, for directly auscultating the uterus from the vagina.
Metrosideros : A myrtaceous genus of trees or shrubs, found in Australia and the South Sea Islands, and having very hard wood. Metrosideros vera is the true ironwood.
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