Vocabulary : Mexicanize to Mezzo-relievo

Mexicanize : To cause to be like the Mexicans, or their country, esp. in respect of frequent revolutions of government. ;; To become like the Mexicans, or their country or government.
Mezcal : Same as Mescal.
Mezereon : A small European shrub (Daphne Mezereum), whose acrid bark is used in medicine.
Mezquita : A mosque.
Mezuzoth : A piece of parchment bearing the Decalogue and attached to the doorpost; -- in use among orthodox Hebrews.
Mezza majolica : Italian pottery of the epoch and general character of majolica, but less brilliantly decorated, esp. such pottery without tin enamel, but painted and glazed.
Mezza voce : With a medium fullness of sound.
Mezzanine : Same as Entresol. ;; A partial story which is not on the same level with the story of the main part of the edifice, as of a back building, where the floors are on a level with landings of the staircase of the main house. ;; A flooring laid over a floor to bring it up to some height or level. ;; A floor under the stage, from which various contrivances, as traps, are worked.
Mezzo : Mean; not extreme.
Mezzo-relievo : Mezzo-rilievo.
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