Vocabulary : Microscopic to Microseme
Microscopic : Alt. of Microscopical
Microscopical : Of or pertaining to the microscope or to microscopy; made with a microscope; as, microscopic observation. ;; Able to see extremely minute objects. ;; Very small; visible only by the aid of a microscope; as, a microscopic insect.
Microscopically : By the microscope; with minute inspection; in a microscopic manner.
Microscopist : One skilled in, or given to, microscopy.
Microscopy : The use of the microscope; investigation with the microscope.
Microseism : A feeble earth tremor not directly perceptible, but detected only by means of specially constructed apparatus.
Microseismograph : A microseismometer; specif., a microseismometer producing a graphic record.
Microseismology : Science or study of microseisms.
Microseismometer : A seismometer for measuring amplitudes or periods, or both, of microseisms.
Microseme : Having the orbital index relatively small; having the orbits broad transversely; -- opposed to megaseme.
: Microspectroscope, Microsporangium, Microspore, Microsporic, Microsthene, Microsthenic, Microtasimeter, Microtome, Microtomic, Microtomical
: Microphotography, Microphthalmia, Microphthalmy, Microphyllous, Microphytal, Microphyte, Micropyle, Microscopal, Microscope, Microscopial
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary