Vocabulary : Middlings to Midland

Middlings : A combination of the coarser parts of ground wheat the finest bran, separated from the fine flour and coarse bran in bolting; -- formerly regarded as valuable only for feed; but now, after separation of the bran, used for making the best quality of flour. Middlings contain a large proportion of gluten. ;; In the southern and western parts of the United States, the portion of the hog between the ham and the shoulder; bacon; -- called also middles.
Middy : A colloquial abbreviation of midshipman.
Midfeather : A vertical water space in a fire box or combustion chamber. ;; A support for the center of a tunnel.
Midgard : The middle space or region between heaven and hell; the abode of human beings; the earth. ;; Alt. of Mithgarthr
Midgarth : Alt. of Mithgarthr
Midge : Any one of many small, delicate, long-legged flies of the Chironomus, and allied genera, which do not bite. Their larvae are usually aquatic. ;; A very small fly, abundant in many parts of the United States and Canada, noted for the irritating quality of its bite.
Midget : A minute bloodsucking fly. ;; A very diminutive person.
Midgut : The middle part of the alimentary canal from the stomach, or entrance of the bile duct, to, or including, the large intestine.
Midheaven : The midst or middle of heaven or the sky. ;; The meridian, or middle line of the heavens; the point of the ecliptic on the meridian.
Midland : Being in the interior country; distant from the coast or seashore; as, midland towns or inhabitants. ;; Surrounded by the land; mediterranean. ;; The interior or central region of a country; -- usually in the plural.
Next : Midmain, Midmost, Midnight, Midnight sun, Midrash, Midrashim, Midrashoth, Midrib, Midriff, Mid-sea
Previous : Middle, Middle-age, Middle-aged, Middle-earth, Middle-ground, Middleman, Middlemen, Middlemost, Middler, Middling
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