Vocabulary : Milen to Miliola

Milen : See Maslin.
Milepost : A post, or one of a series of posts, set up to indicate spaces of a mile each or the distance in miles from a given place.
Milesian : Of or pertaining to Miletus, a city of Asia Minor, or to its inhabitants. ;; Descended from King Milesius of Spain, whose two sons are said to have conquered Ireland about 1300 b. c.; or pertaining to the descendants of King Milesius; hence, Irish. ;; A native or inhabitant of Miletus. ;; A native or inhabitant of Ireland.
Milestone : A stone serving the same purpose as a milepost.
Milfoil : A common composite herb (Achillea Millefolium) with white flowers and finely dissected leaves; yarrow.
Miliaria : A fever accompanied by an eruption of small, isolated, red pimples, resembling a millet seed in form or size; miliary fever.
Miliary : Like millet seeds; as, a miliary eruption. ;; Accompanied with an eruption like millet seeds; as, a miliary fever. ;; Small and numerous; as, the miliary tubercles of Echini. ;; One of the small tubercles of Echini.
Milice : Militia.
Milieu : Environment.
Miliola : A genus of Foraminifera, having a porcelanous shell with several longitudinal chambers.
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