Vocabulary : Militated to Milked

Militated : of Militate
Militating : of Militate
Militia : In the widest sense, the whole military force of a nation, including both those engaged in military service as a business, and those competent and available for such service; specifically, the body of citizens enrolled for military instruction and discipline, but not subject to be called into actual service except in emergencies. ;; Military service; warfare.
Militiaman : One who belongs to the militia.
Militiamen : of Militiaman
Militiate : To carry on, or prepare for, war.
Milk : A white fluid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals for the nourishment of their young, consisting of minute globules of fat suspended in a solution of casein, albumin, milk sugar, and inorganic salts. ;; A kind of juice or sap, usually white in color, found in certain plants; latex. See Latex. ;; An emulsion made by bruising seeds; as, the milk of almonds, produced by pounding almonds with sugar and water. ;; The ripe, undischarged spat of an oyster. ;; To draw or press milk from the breasts or udder of, by the hand or mouth; to withdraw the milk of. ;; To draw from the breasts or udder; to extract, as milk; as, to milk wholesome milk from healthy cows. ;; To draw anything from, as if by milking; to compel to yield profit or advantage; to plunder. ;; To draw or to yield milk. ;; To draw or to yield milk. ;; To give off small gas bubbles during the final part of the charging operation; -- said of a storage battery.
Milk sickness : A peculiar malignant disease, occurring in parts of the western United States, and affecting certain kinds of farm stock (esp. cows), and persons using the meat or dairy products of infected cattle. Its chief symptoms in man are uncontrollable vomiting, obstinate constipation, pain, and muscular tremors. Its origin in cattle has been variously ascribed to the presence of certain plants in their food, and to polluted water.
Milk vetch : A leguminous herb (Astragalus glycyphyllos) of Europe and Asia, supposed to increase the secretion of milk in goats.
Milked : of Milk
Next : Milken, Milker, Milkful, Milkily, Milkiness, Milking, Milk-livered, Milkmaid, Milkman, Milkmen
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