Vocabulary : Milksop to Millefiore glass
Milksop : A piece of bread sopped in milk; figuratively, an effeminate or weak-minded person.Milkweed : Any plant of the genera Asclepias and Acerates, abounding in a milky juice, and having its seed attached to a long silky down; silkweed. The name is also applied to several other plants with a milky juice, as to several kinds of spurge.
Milkwort : A genus of plants (Polygala) of many species. The common European P. vulgaris was supposed to have the power of producing a flow of milk in nurses.
Milky : Consisting of, or containing, milk. ;; Like, or somewhat like, milk; whitish and turbid; as, the water is milky. "Milky juice." ;; Yielding milk. ;; Mild; tame; spiritless.
Mill : A money of account of the United States, having the value of the tenth of a cent, or the thousandth of a dollar. ;; A machine for grinding or comminuting any substance, as grain, by rubbing and crushing it between two hard, rough, or intented surfaces; as, a gristmill, a coffee mill; a bone mill. ;; A machine used for expelling the juice, sap, etc., from vegetable tissues by pressure, or by pressure in combination with a grinding, or cutting process; as, a cider mill; a cane mill. ;; A machine for grinding and polishing; as, a lapidary mill. ;; A common name for various machines which produce a manufactured product, or change the form of a raw material by the continuous repetition of some simple action; as, a sawmill; a stamping mill, etc. ;; A building or collection of buildings with machinery by which the processes of manufacturing are carried on; as, a cotton mill; a powder mill; a rolling mill. ;; A hardened steel roller having a design in relief, used for imprinting a reversed copy of the design in a sof