Vocabulary : Milleped to Milliampere
Milleped : A myriapod with many legs, esp. a chilognath, as the galleyworm.
Millepora : A genus of Hydrocorallia, which includes the millipores.
Millepore : Any coral of the genus Millepora, having the surface nearly smooth, and perforated with very minute unequal pores, or cells. The animals are hydroids, not Anthozoa. See Hydrocorallia.
Milleporite : A fossil millepore.
Miller : One who keeps or attends a flour mill or gristmill. ;; A milling machine. ;; A moth or lepidopterous insect; -- so called because the wings appear as if covered with white dust or powder, like a miller's clothes. Called also moth miller. ;; The eagle ray. ;; The hen harrier.
Millerite : A believer in the doctrine of William Miller (d. 1849), who taught that the end of the world and the second coming of Christ were at hand. ;; A sulphide of nickel, commonly occurring in delicate capillary crystals, also in incrustations of a bronze yellow; -- sometimes called hair pyrites.
Millesimal : Thousandth; consisting of thousandth parts; as, millesimal fractions.
Millet : The name of several cereal and forage grasses which bear an abundance of small roundish grains. The common millets of Germany and Southern Europe are Panicum miliaceum, and Setaria Italica.
Milli- : A prefix denoting a thousandth part of; as, millimeter, milligram, milliampere.
Milliampere : The thousandth part of one ampere.
: Milliard, Milliaries, Milliary, Millier, Millifold, Milligram, Milligramme, Milliliter, Millilitre, Millimeter
: Millenarian, Millenarianism, Millenarism, Millenary, Millennial, Millennialism, Millennialist, Millenniarism, Millennist, Millennium
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary