Vocabulary : Millimetre to Millionary
Millimetre : A lineal measure in the metric system, containing the thousandth part of a meter; equal to .03937 of an inch. See 3d Meter.
Millimicron : The thousandish part of a micron or the millionth part of a millimeter; -- a unit of length used in measuring light waves, etc.
Milliner : Formerly, a man who imported and dealt in small articles of a miscellaneous kind, especially such as please the fancy of women. ;; A person, usually a woman, who makes, trims, or deals in hats, bonnets, headdresses, etc., for women.
Millinery : The articles made or sold by milliners, as headdresses, hats or bonnets, laces, ribbons, and the like. ;; The business of work of a milliner.
Millinet : A stiff cotton fabric used by milliners for lining bonnets.
Milling : of Mill ;; The act or employment of grinding or passing through a mill; the process of fulling; the process of making a raised or intented edge upon coin, etc.; the process of dressing surfaces of various shapes with rotary cutters. See Mill.
Million : The number of ten hundred thousand, or a thousand thousand, -- written 1,000, 000. See the Note under Hundred. ;; A very great number; an indefinitely large number. ;; The mass of common people; -- with the article the.
Millionaire : One whose wealth is counted by millions of francs, dollars, or pounds; a very rich person; a person worth a million or more.
Millionairess : A woman who is a millionaire, or the wife of a millionaire.
Millionary : Of or pertaining to millions; consisting of millions; as, the millionary chronology of the pundits.
: Millioned, Millionnaire, Millionth, Milliped, Millistere, Milliweber, Millrea, Millree, Millreis, Millrind
: Milliard, Milliaries, Milliary, Millier, Millifold, Milligram, Milligramme, Milliliter, Millilitre, Millimeter
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary