Vocabulary : Mincing to Mined
Mincing : That minces; characterized by primness or affected nicety.
Mincingly : In a mincing manner; not fully; with affected nicety.
Mind : The intellectual or rational faculty in man; the understanding; the intellect; the power that conceives, judges, or reasons; also, the entire spiritual nature; the soul; -- often in distinction from the body. ;; The state, at any given time, of the faculties of thinking, willing, choosing, and the like; psychical activity or state; as: (a) Opinion; judgment; belief. ;; Choice; inclination; liking; intent; will. ;; Courage; spirit. ;; Memory; remembrance; recollection; as, to have or keep in mind, to call to mind, to put in mind, etc. ;; To fix the mind or thoughts on; to regard with attention; to treat as of consequence; to consider; to heed; to mark; to note. ;; To occupy one's self with; to employ one's self about; to attend to; as, to mind one's business. ;; To obey; as, to mind parents; the dog minds his master. ;; To have in mind; to purpose. ;; To put in mind; to remind. ;; To give attention or heed; to obey; as, the dog minds well.
Minded : of Mind ;; Disposed; inclined; having a mind.
Minder : One who minds, tends, or watches something, as a child, a machine, or cattle; as, a minder of a loom. ;; One to be attended; specif., a pauper child intrusted to the care of a private person.
Mindful : Bearing in mind; regardful; attentive; heedful; observant.
Minding : of Mind ;; Regard; mindfulness.
Mindless : Not indued with mind or intellectual powers; stupid; unthinking. ;; Unmindful; inattentive; heedless; careless.
Mine : See Mien. ;; Belonging to me; my. Used as a pronominal to me; my. Used as a pronominal adjective in the predicate; as, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay." Rom. xii. 19. Also, in the old style, used attributively, instead of my, before a noun beginning with a vowel. ;; To dig a mine or pit in the earth; to get ore, metals, coal, or precious stones, out of the earth; to dig in the earth for minerals; to dig a passage or cavity under anything in order to overthrow it by explosives or otherwise. ;; To form subterraneous tunnel or hole; to form a burrow or lodge in the earth; as, the mining cony. ;; To dig away, or otherwise remove, the substratum or foundation of; to lay a mine under; to sap; to undermine; hence, to ruin or destroy by slow degrees or secret means. ;; To dig into, for ore or metal. ;; To get, as metals, out of the earth by digging. ;; A subterranean cavity or passage ;; A pit or excavation in the earth, from which metallic ores, precious stones, coal, or other mineral substances are taken by diggin
Mined : of Mine
: Miner, Mineral, Mineralist, Mineralization, Mineralize, Mineralized, Mineralizer, Mineralizing, Mineralogical, Mineralogically
: Minas, Minatorially, Minatorily, Minatory, Minaul, Mince, Mince pie, Minced, Mince-meat, Mincer
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary