Vocabulary : Mineralogies to Mingle
Mineralogies : of Mineralogy
Mineralogist : One versed in mineralogy; one devoted to the study of minerals. ;; A carrier shell (Phorus).
Mineralogize : To study mineralogy by collecting and examining minerals.
Mineralogy : The science which treats of minerals, and teaches how to describe, distinguish, and classify them. ;; A treatise or book on this science.
Minerva : The goddess of wisdom, of war, of the arts and sciences, of poetry, and of spinning and weaving; -- identified with the Grecian Pallas Athene.
Minette : The smallest of regular sizes of portrait photographs.
Minever : Same as Miniver.
Minge : To mingle; to mix. ;; A small biting fly; a midge.
Minging : of Mince
Mingle : To mix; intermix; to combine or join, as an individual or part, with other parts, but commonly so as to be distinguishable in the product; to confuse; to confound. ;; To associate or unite in society or by ties of relationship; to cause or allow to intermarry; to intermarry. ;; To deprive of purity by mixture; to contaminate. ;; To put together; to join. ;; To make or prepare by mixing the ingredients of. ;; To become mixed or blended. ;; A mixture.
: Mingleable, Mingled, Mingledly, Mingle-mangle, Minglement, Mingler, Mingling, Minglingly, Miniard, Miniardize
: Miner, Mineral, Mineralist, Mineralization, Mineralize, Mineralized, Mineralizer, Mineralizing, Mineralogical, Mineralogically
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary