Vocabulary : Minionship to Ministering

Minionship : State of being a minion.
Minious : Of the color of red or vermilion.
Minish : To diminish; to lessen.
Minishment : The act of diminishing, or the state of being diminished; diminution.
Minister : A servant; a subordinate; an officer or assistant of inferior rank; hence, an agent, an instrument. ;; An officer of justice. ;; One to whom the sovereign or executive head of a government intrusts the management of affairs of state, or some department of such affairs. ;; A representative of a government, sent to the court, or seat of government, of a foreign nation to transact diplomatic business. ;; One who serves at the altar; one who performs sacerdotal duties; the pastor of a church duly authorized or licensed to preach the gospel and administer the sacraments. ;; To furnish or apply; to afford; to supply; to administer. ;; To act as a servant, attendant, or agent; to attend and serve; to perform service in any office, sacred or secular. ;; To supply or to things needful; esp., to supply consolation or remedies.
Ministered : of Minister
Ministerial : Of or pertaining to ministry or service; serving; attendant. ;; Of or pertaining to the office of a minister or to the ministry as a body, whether civil or sacerdotal. ;; Tending to advance or promote; contributive.
Ministerialist : A supporter of the ministers, or the party in power.
Ministerially : In a ministerial manner; in the character or capacity of a minister.
Ministering : of Minister
Next : Ministery, Ministracy, Ministral, Ministrant, Ministration, Ministrative, Ministress, Ministry, Ministryship, Minium
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