Vocabulary : Misbestowal to Miscarried
Misbestowal : The act of misbestowing.
Misbileve : Misbelief; unbelief; suspicion.
Misbode : of Misbede ;; imp. of Misbede.
Misboden : of Misbede ;; p. p. of Misbede.
Misborn : Born to misfortune.
Miscalculate : To calculate erroneously; to judge wrongly.
Miscall : To call by a wrong name; to name improperly. ;; To call by a bad name; to abuse.
Miscarriage : Unfortunate event or issue of an undertaking; failure to attain a desired result or reach a destination. ;; Ill conduct; evil or improper behavior; as, the failings and miscarriages of the righteous. ;; The act of bringing forth before the time; premature birth.
Miscarriageable : Capable of miscarrying; liable to fail.
Miscarried : of Miscarry
: Miscarry, Miscarrying, Miscast, Miscegenation, Miscellanarian, Miscellane, Miscellanea, Miscellaneous, Miscellanies, Miscellanist
: Misbegotten, Misbehave, Misbehaved, Misbehaving, Misbehavior, Misbelief, Misbelieve, Misbeliever, Misbeseem, Misbestow
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary