Vocabulary : Miscible to Miscomprehend

Miscible : Capable of being mixed; mixable; as, water and alcohol are miscible in all proportions.
Miscitation : Erroneous citation.
Miscite : To cite erroneously.
Misclaim : A mistaken claim.
Miscognizant : Not cognizant; ignorant; not knowing.
Miscognize : To fail to apprehend; to misunderstand.
Miscollocation : Wrong collocation.
Miscolor : To give a wrong color to; figuratively, to set forth erroneously or unfairly; as, to miscolor facts.
Miscomfort : Discomfort.
Miscomprehend : To get a wrong idea of or about; to misunderstand.
Next : Miscomputation, Miscompute, Misconceit, Misconceive, Misconceived, Misconceiver, Misconceiving, Misconception, Misconclusion, Misconduct
Previous : Mischief-making, Mischievous, Mischna, Mischnic, Mischoose, Mischoosing, Mischose, Mischosen, Mischristen, Miscibility
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