Vocabulary : Misconfident to Misconstrued
Misconfident : Having a mistaken confidence; wrongly trusting.
Misconjecture : A wrong conjecture or guess. ;; To conjecture wrongly.
Misconsecrate : To consecrate amiss.
Misconsecration : Wrong consecration.
Misconsequence : A wrong consequence; a false deduction.
Misconstruable : Such as can be misconstrued, as language or conduct.
Misconstruct : To construct wrongly; to construe or interpret erroneously.
Misconstruction : Erroneous construction; wrong interpretation.
Misconstrue : To construe wrongly; to interpret erroneously.
Misconstrued : of Misconstrue
: Misconstruer, Misconstruing, Miscontent, Miscontinuance, Miscopy, Miscorrect, Miscounsel, Miscount, Miscovet, Miscreance
: Miscomputation, Miscompute, Misconceit, Misconceive, Misconceived, Misconceiver, Misconceiving, Misconception, Misconclusion, Misconduct
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary