Vocabulary : Miscreancy to Misdated
Miscreancy : The quality of being miscreant; adherence to a false religion; false faith.
Miscreant : One who holds a false religious faith; a misbeliever. ;; One not restrained by Christian principles; an unscrupulous villain; a while wretch. ;; Holding a false religious faith. ;; Destitute of conscience; unscrupulous.
Miscreate : Miscreated; illegitimate; forged; as, miscreate titles. ;; To create badly or amiss.
Miscreated : Formed unnaturally or illegitimately; deformed.
Miscreative : Creating amiss.
Miscredent : A miscreant, or believer in a false religious doctrine.
Miscredulity : Wrong credulity or belief; misbelief.
Miscue : A false stroke with a billiard cue, the cue slipping from the ball struck without impelling it as desired.
Misdate : To date erroneously.
Misdated : of Misdate
: Misdating, Misdeal, Misdealing, Misdealt, Misdeed, Misdeem, Misdemean, Misdemeanant, Misdemeanor, Misdempt
: Misconstruer, Misconstruing, Miscontent, Miscontinuance, Miscopy, Miscorrect, Miscounsel, Miscount, Miscovet, Miscreance
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary