Vocabulary : Misdepart to Misdirection
Misdepart : To distribute wrongly.
Misderive : To turn or divert improperly; to misdirect. ;; To derive erroneously.
Misdescribe : To describe wrongly.
Misdesert : Ill desert.
Misdevotion : Mistaken devotion.
Misdid : of Misdo
Misdiet : Improper. ;; To diet improperly.
Misdight : Arrayed, prepared, or furnished, unsuitably.
Misdirect : To give a wrong direction to; as, to misdirect a passenger, or a letter; to misdirect one's energies.
Misdirection : The act of directing wrongly, or the state of being so directed. ;; An error of a judge in charging the jury on a matter of law.
: Misdisposition, Misdistinguish, Misdivide, Misdivision, Misdo, Misdoer, Misdoing, Misdone, Misdoubt, Misdoubtful
: Misdating, Misdeal, Misdealing, Misdealt, Misdeed, Misdeem, Misdemean, Misdemeanant, Misdemeanor, Misdempt
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary