Vocabulary : Misentreat to Misericordia

Misentreat : To treat wrongfully.
Misentry : An erroneous entry or charge, as of an account.
Miser : A wretched person; a person afflicted by any great misfortune. ;; A despicable person; a wretch. ;; A covetous, grasping, mean person; esp., one having wealth, who lives miserably for the sake of saving and increasing his hoard. ;; A kind of large earth auger.
Miserable : Very unhappy; wretched. ;; Causing unhappiness or misery. ;; Worthless; mean; despicable; as, a miserable fellow; a miserable dinner. ;; Avaricious; niggardly; miserly. ;; A miserable person.
Miserableness : The state or quality of being miserable.
Miserably : In a miserable; unhappily; calamitously; wretchedly; meanly.
Miseration : Commiseration.
Miserere : The psalm usually appointed for penitential acts, being the 50th psalm in the Latin version. It commences with the word miserere. ;; A musical composition adapted to the 50th psalm. ;; A small projecting boss or bracket, on the under side of the hinged seat of a church stall (see Stall). It was intended, the seat being turned up, to give some support to a worshiper when standing. Called also misericordia. ;; Same as Ileus.
Misericorde : Compassion; pity; mercy. ;; Same as Misericordia, 2.
Misericordia : An amercement. ;; A thin-bladed dagger; so called, in the Middle Ages, because used to give the death wound or "mercy" stroke to a fallen adversary. ;; An indulgence as to food or dress granted to a member of a religious order.
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