Vocabulary : Misfell to Misframe
Misfell : of Misfall
Misfit : The act or the state of fitting badly; as, a misfit in making a coat; a ludicrous misfit. ;; Something that fits badly, as a garment.
Misform : To make in an ill form.
Misformation : Malformation.
Misformed : of Misform
Misforming : of Misform
Misfortunate : Producing misfortune.
Misfortune : Bad fortune or luck; calamity; an evil accident; disaster; mishap; mischance. ;; To happen unluckily or unfortunately; to miscarry; to fail.
Misfortuned : Unfortunate.
Misframe : To frame wrongly.
: Misgave, Misget, Misgie, Misgive, Misgiven, Misgiving, Misgotten, Misgovern, Misgovernance, Misgoverned
: Misfaith, Misfall, Misfallen, Misfalling, Misfare, Misfashion, Misfeasance, Misfeature, Misfeeling, Misfeign
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary